Welcome to Reveal Nature

Located in the U.K. and travelling all over the world

Our mission is to inspire wonder, understanding and connection to the natural world for people of all abilities and backgrounds.

We offer a range of unique nature connection experiences exploring all 5 senses and specialise in providing a different perspective on nature. 

Let us help you disconnect from the modern world and reconnect with something more important.

Your next adventure awaits....

Macro image of a bettle Microscopic Marvels

A journey into the microcosm of nature

Microscopic marvels

Sunshine coming through the forest Forest Bathing Nature Connection

Forest bathing

Experience the forest in a whole new way

Biofluorescent primula flower

Biofluorescent walks

Explore the glowing world of biofluorescence

World of Biofluorescence

We are specialists and pioneers in the innovative world of guided Biofluorescent Nature experiences. It is our passion and love, we have spent hours studying research papers on the subject, and more than 500 hours out in the field leading guided Biofluorescent night walks and expeditions around the world.

This fascinating world is incredibly understudied and is full of hidden wonders just waiting to be discovered. It offers a guaranteed “wow” experience almost anywhere in the world, and is set to become the next big thing in Eco-tourism.

We are on a mission to share this colourful and extraordinary experience with as many people as possible around the world. 

Would you like to offer Biofluorescent night walks at your site?
Interested in custom biofluorescent installations at your festival, shows or garden?
Would you like bespoke biofluorescent night walk training for your guides? 

Contact us today to discuss how we can bring the magic of Biofluorescence to you. 

A range of resources to help you develop your connection to nature. From Nature connection activities, to the latest scientific research into forest bathing, to what’s happening in the world of nature connection both in the U.K. and globally. This will include topics such as biofluorescence, bioluminescence, forest bathing, how to deepen your relationship with nature, fun activities for families and lots more.

Nature Connection

Nature connectedness is a measurable psychological construct of the relationship between people and nature. Improving our connection to nature brings about a wide range of benefits in wellbeing and pro-conservation behaviours. 

Find out more from the University of Derby, UK.

We offer a variety of different experiences to help you deepen your connection to nature following the 5 Pathways to Nature Connection:

5 Pathways to Nature Connection

Close up of wild orchid flower


Slowing down and noticing all the beauty that’s present in the natural world.

A fresh new green plant shoot


The meaning nature can bring to our lives. 

Somebodies hand in the water


Experiencing nature slowly and mindfully through all 5 senses.

A heart shaped marked into the sand


Caring and taking action to protect and conserve nature.

Beautiful sunset through a tree with a purple sky


The emotions and wonderful feeling of being alive that nature inspires.